Job Vacancies


1. AUDIT MANAGER (Sibu), RM7,000 per month, Applicants must be MIA members with at least 5 years of audit experience...
2. SECRETARY & INSOLVENCY CLERKS (Sibu), At least RM2,500 per month, Applicants must have at least 3 years of relevant experience in secretarial and insolvency matters.,...
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ADVERTISER - 1. AUDIT MANAGER (Sibu), RM7,000 per month, Applicants must be MIA members with at least 5 years of audit experience...
2. SECRETARY & INSOLVENCY CLERKS  (Sibu), At least RM2,500 per month, Applicants must have at least 3 years of relevant experience in secretarial and insolvency matters.,...
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Advertised on: 2025-01-25    View Rate From: JobStock(300), JobStock App(32), Facebook(66), Twitter(11) , More Details
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