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1. ENGINEER (Kuching), A recognized Diploma/Degree in any Engineering field, Knowledge in Microsoft Project, Excel and AutoCAD is and added advantage,...
2. ENGINEERING ASSISTANT (Kuching), A recognized Diploma/Degree in any Engineering field, Knowledge in Microsoft Project, Excel and AutoCAD.,...
3. SUPERVISOR (Kuching), Preferably have certificate of Wireman Grade 1 or 2 or 3, Experience in electrical installation works...
4. TECHNICIAN (Kuching), Preferably with a Form 5 or an SPMV Certificate in Electrical, Preferably have work experience in electrical field, ...
Call 082-482580 / Email resume to ...
ADVERTISER - 1. ENGINEER (Kuching), A recognized Diploma/Degree in any Engineering field, Knowledge in Microsoft Project, Excel and AutoCAD is and added advantage,...
2. ENGINEERING ASSISTANT (Kuching), A recognized Diploma/Degree in any Engineering field, Knowledge in Microsoft Project, Excel and AutoCAD.,...
3. SUPERVISOR (Kuching), Preferably have certificate of Wireman Grade 1 or 2 or 3, Experience in electrical installation works...
4. TECHNICIAN (Kuching), Preferably with a Form 5 or an SPMV Certificate in Electrical, Preferably have work experience in electrical field, ...
Call 082-482580 / Email resume to ...
Advertised on: 2025-01-24    View Rate From: JobStock(558), JobStock App(143), Facebook(131), Twitter(9) , More Details
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