Job Vacancies


1. SITE ENGINEER (Brunei Darussalam), at least a Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Structural Engineering, Construction, Building, or equivalent, Very good understanding of Architectural, M&E, and C&S drawings,...
2. SITE SUPERVISOR / FOREMAN (Brunei Darussalam), Diploma / Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Structural Engineering, Construction, Building, or equivalent, To manage the day-to-day operations on the construction site, oversee laborers, coordinate tasks, and ensure that safety protocols are followed,...
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ADVERTISER - 1. SITE ENGINEER (Brunei Darussalam), at least a Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Structural Engineering, Construction, Building, or equivalent, Very good understanding of Architectural, M&E, and C&S drawings,...
2. SITE SUPERVISOR / FOREMAN (Brunei Darussalam), Diploma / Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Structural Engineering, Construction, Building, or equivalent, To manage the day-to-day operations on the construction site, oversee laborers, coordinate tasks, and ensure that safety protocols are followed,...
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Advertised on: 2024-09-18    View Rate From: JobStock(484), JobStock App(55), Facebook(200), Twitter(12) , More Details
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